Wednesday, August 27, 2008

November in August?

I noticed something this week in class...there are students home sick! I couldn't believe it. It is only the second full week of school and I'm already having to make sure that absent work gets home to kids. I mentioned this to the class, and I found out that apparently strep and the flu are going around in the elementary school (which ends up effecting the middle and high school too). This usually happens at the earliest in November...and it's still August! I reminded the kids to make sure they got their vitamin C and get to bed early.

Taking my own advice, I went to bed at a decent time last night. And woke up feeling like crap! I have been sneezing and blowing my nose all day...literally all day (my trash can at school is filled with used Kleenex), my throat is sore, and I feel the "chills" coming on. I am still dumbstruck. I HATE being sick and I HATE missing school so it will take a fever or throwing up to call for a sub tomorrow morning. So in the mean time...I will down some OJ, take some sudifed, and get a good nights sleep.

1 comment:

Casey said...

It's going around where I live too! And this is our first year of having someone in a "school institution." So we'll see how many times we all get sick this year...
Feel better soon!!