Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Walking the Dogs

I have mentioned before that Ethan has to dogs. KC and Breck. Both are a mixed breed of lab, both were free. I have come to love those dogs as if they were my own. One of my favorite pass times with Ethan is to take the girls for a nice long walk on pretty days. This can be interesting in many ways, but mostly due to the fact that they are both still considered puppies and get overly excited about anything.

Through our many walks Ethan and I have learned how to better handle each pup because each one is so different. So far we have found out...

~ KC will pull your arm out. She is just so excited to be going on a walk that every smell, sight, and noise will get her going.

~ Breck is weird.

~ KC is the larger and older of the two dogs. I walk KC. As mentioned above, KC will pull your arm out if you don't have a good hold. Well...the more you fight her the more she fights back. I have learned to just let her pull on the leash and choke herself. Eventually she gets tired of that and slows down. Ethan is a little less patient...so he walks Breck.

~ Breck will walk anyway, but a straight line. she will walk in zig zags in front of you. She will walk really fast to get ahead of you then stop until you pass her and walk really fast in front of you again. Breck will try to grab onto and chew KC's leash. She will also walk in circles around you. Again...Breck is weird.

~ KC will poop in the middle of the road before you even have time to drag her over to the grass.

~ Breck will bark at everything...but is a little scaredy cat in reality

~ KC will pee about 15 times during a walk.

~ Breck does not like cars.

~ KC wants to chase the cars.

~ Breck has the longest tongue ever!

~ KC gets very slobbery...it's gross.

~ In order to make the girls a little less crazy excited for the walk, we have found if you throw the tennis ball in the back for a bout 10 minutes before we go, they get tired sooner and will walk nicely by your side (except Breck, who can't walk in a straight line)

While Ethan is in Lincoln I am walking the girls by myself. Now there is NO WAY I can do that by myself, so I play with the ball and then put Breck in the cage, while KC and I walk. KC goes in the cage when we get back and it's Breck's turn. We just got by from our first try at this "single" walking method, and I think it went ok...just means there should be many more walks to come!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Weekly Chatter

~ I have spent a better part of the last week on the phone with family and friends discussing the new engagement and all the fun details that go along with it. Such an exciting time!

~ My sister is probably as thrilled as anyone that I'm getting married...besides me that is. She is of course the Maid of Honor and has already started looking up what her "roles and responsibilities" include. She has even given code names to my mom, herself, and me. I am BTB (Bride to Be), she is MOH (Maid of Honor), and my mom is MOB (Mother of the Bride). She will be the best MOH!

~ We have 4 days of school left until summer. It is my theory that the kids are extra crazy these last few weeks so that teachers are just as ready as they are (if not more).

~ Ethan just left for Lincoln, NE where he got a short contract position. He was gone just a couple days last week, but will be gone the whole week this time. I just hope the week goes fast and I stay busy to keep my mind off of him not being here.

~ It's graduation time again, and I always seem to have a hard time getting in to it. I have NEVER been real sentimental about graduations. Graduating from HS was no big deal to me, I had 4+ years ahead of me and no real close friends I was leaving. I looked forward to the new life and new friends I would find. Graduation from ESU was nice, but rather than celebrate the piece of paper handed to me...I wanted to celebrate the contract I signed for my first job. To me that was something to celebrate!

~ I tried a Papa Murphy's pizza last night for the first time...that is some gooood pizza!

~ waxed eyebrows, lip, legs, nails redone, hair cut...just a few of the things that I need to do. And all going to cost me a couple hundred bucks...damn its expensive being a girl!

~ Did I mention there were 4 days of school left? :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009



As of last weekend everything is official. Ethan and I are going to be married on July 3, 2010. I am absolutely thrilled and couldn't be happier. Everything we've been talking about the last couple months is starting to be put in motion. I have been waiting and wanting this for so long it's hard to believe I actually get to make those wonderful phone calls and pick out those pretty dresses!

As I begin the long and hopefully low stress process of planning a wedding, I can stop to pause and think about how my life has changed drastically in the last two years.

When I moved out to Cheney I knew that it was a small town with a good school, but small towns are made for families. Not single people. I knew that when I accepted the job, and I knew it when I moved into my little rental. My first year teaching I didn't notice too much change in my life than the previous couple years. I was soooo busy, practically living at the school. Trying to coach, be a good teacher, and stay caught up with everything. I just didn't notice how lonely I was.

Then my second year came around and I was a little less busy. I had my first year teaching under my belt and found myself at home more and more. That's when it hit me. I am lonely. I didn't like going home and not having anyone other than my mother and a couple friends online to talk to. I wasn't happy. Even though I had a good job I loved, there was something missing. I could fool most people, but in reality I was miserable. I am convinced that if something wouldn't have changed, and soon, I would have left Cheney.

Now...something happened that was a blessing in disguise, in more ways than one. I have told most of the story of my little nephew and what a blessing he was, but I never really explained how he helped me. At the time when I found out that Joe was expecting a son I was of course sad for him. But I was also mad. I was so mad at him, at God, and everything. It wasn't fair. I wanted nothing more than anything to find someone who I could love and have a family with. I was doing things the "right way" and Joe wasn't. Why did Joe get what I wanted? Then it hit me.

For the last few years before that point I had put God and my faith on the "back burner." Sometimes I would go to Church, sometimes I paid attention, sometimes I prayed. I never left my faith, I just didn't pay much attention to it. I truly believed that God had a plan for me, I new without a doubt that He wanted me to be a wife and mother, and I knew that all things good happen through Him. After I found out about Bryson and asked God "why not me" I got my answer. How can these things happen through God when He is on the "back burner."

So I tried to change. I haven't missed a Sunday Mass since the week I found out about Bryson. I talk to God more often. And I started opening myself up to new people and new experiences. It wasn't until then that Ethan came into my life.

I truly believe that if it weren't for Bryson I might still be waiting for the blessings I have today. I am happier than I have been in my life and my dreams are coming true. There is a reason for everything and all good things come through God...if you are patient.