Friday, August 15, 2008

First Week

The first week of school is over...

I am so glad that we start off with a three day week at the beginning of the year. I couldn't be happier to be back to work, nor could I be more tired. The first two days of school are nothing but rules and classroom procedures (we have block scheduling so I see 8th grade and 7th grade on every other day). By the end of the day on Thursday I had given my "Worldly Expectations" presentation 6 times! Today I was excited to actually get to teach something, and it went great! I am absolutely exhausted. My feet are not in "Stand-all-day-long" shape, I have not conditioned myself to be able to fall asleep before 10 yet (so 5:47 comes really early), and my voice is a little strained. Needless to say that the weekend gets here with perfect timing. A nice way to ease everyone in to the school routine. As Garfield knows all to well, Monday will always come, and a whole week of school will come with it!

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