Thursday, July 26, 2012

Mystery Weekend and My Weekend Away

I am a conflicting set of emotions today.

On one hand, I am SUPER EXCITED for the 4th annual Mystery Weekend that will begin in just under 24 hours.  :)

On the other hand, I am sad about leaving my little one for the ENTIRE WEEKEND for the first time. :(

Mystery weekend began four years ago when my wonderful mother decided that just us girls (my sister, her, and I) needed to get together every year for one weekend.  That turned in to her wanting to surprise us by not telling us the destination or special activities until we are on the road. 

This prompted many "oh pleeeease tell us," little tricks to try and get her to accidentally let it slip, and trying to pry the location out of our dad.  None of it worked.  (Not that we really wanted it to anyway...)

The first year found us heading south to Oklahoma City.  What an amazing trip!  We saw the OKC memorial, went on a "booze cruise" downtown, shopped, and enjoyed some wine tasting.  We all came home with a bottle of wine.

Year two was more of a local trip, but still one of my favorites.  Lawrence, Kansas.  We painted pottery, shopped, went bowling, and swam in the hotel pool.  So much fun!

Last year was BIG. We went all the way to Dayton, Ohio for my cousin's wedding.  We took a couple days to get there enjoying the shopping and a surprise stop at the Budweiser Clydesdale farm.  What an amazing trip. 

This year, we leave from Emporia at 8:00 AM for a short weekend away.  No idea where we are going!

I could have taken Jackie along with us on the trip.  I know mom and my sister would love to spend the weekend with her.  However, two reasons kept me from it. 

1.  I have tried taking her with me to go shopping.  Not much fun.  I have tried sleeping with her in the playpen in the same room.  Not much fun.  I have had to breastfeed her in public.  Not much fun.  I have had her in a restaurant while she was tired and screaming.  Not much fun.  (catching on to the theme here...)  I wanted to enjoy the weekend without having to worry about where and when and if baby would get a nap or fed. 

2.  Ethan only gets to see her in the evenings and on weekends while he's working during the week.  It's almost unfair to him to take her away on the weekend.  Plus he WANTS me to leave her with him for some special Ethan-Jacqueline bonding time.  I figure I might as well leave kids with  him as long as he wants me to.  (There may be a time where he's asking me to take one...or two...or three...along with me). 

I have no doubts about how great he will do with her by himself.  When I was debating whether or not to take her along, Ethan caring for her was never a factor.  It was always me, and how I would do emotionally being away from her for the entire weekend.  I'm going to miss that little face!

And we will find out how I do in T-minus 23 hours and 28 minutes...

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