Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Trying to Cheer Up

As I'm sitting here tonight watching the news while I eat I continue to feel more and more depressed. Top three stories of the night
~ Economy Gets Worse, more layoffs, more business closings, little end in sight
~ Tainted Peanut Butter...all the way back to 2007. May be the worst epidemic in the U.S. ever
~ Ice Storm slams half of the country, thousands without power

I pride myself on being a very optimistic and happy person. But even I am struggling to find reasons to smile lately. I thought it might be a good idea for me to sit down and write about the reasons I am so Blessed in order to remind myself that we should always look for the reasons to thank God, rather than blame Him for the downhill turns life can throw.

My family is happy and healthy. We have no major illnesses or catastrophes. I am always thankful for the family I have and how we are able to smile and laugh to make any situation better. I talk to my parents often. I got to see my brother Joe this weekend when he came to Wichita. Jamie is just a phone call away and she will always listen to my recent weight loss or will tell me she's happy for me when I say gushy-girly things about how things are going with E. I don't get to talk with John as often as I would like, but I know he is happier than he has ever been.

E. I don't tell him enough how much I enjoy his company and our long conversations. I pray everyday that he finds a job soon (he was laid off almost two weeks ago). He is amazing by always smiling and joking with me and never losing that "goofy" grin :). He gives the absolute best hugs ever!

I have a job. The school systems are feeling the money crunch as well, but I am pretty secure in my position. I am very thankful. There are so many people looking for work or worried they might lose their jobs. I truly feel for them and pray the economy picks up sooner than all those "experts" keep predicting.

The sun shined today. I hate the cold, that is well known by those who know me well, but the sun came out today and shined through my windows at school. The sun makes me happier...I hope it continues to shine and help warm us all up.

There I feel a little better...and I am sure that there are hundreds of other reasons for me to be thankful, but these are the BIG ones. I am now going to turn on some cheery Disney movie rather than the news and fold some laundry. I hope you all have a very Blessed evening and pray for those not as lucky.

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