Thursday, March 15, 2012

To Do List:

1.  Pack a bag for the hospital for baby, Ethan, and me.

2.  Wash and fold all of baby's new clothes.

3.  Fold and put away all the clean clothes that are sitting at the end of our bed (I believe somewhere I had a resolution about not letting laundry sit...yeah, that's not working out well).

4.  Clean house and keep clean so that when we go to the hospital and people come by it will be clean and I won't have as much to do at the last minute.

5.  Get batteries for all the baby things that come needing batteries but not actually including any.

6.  Fill out paperwork for pre-registering at the hospital, disability insurance, and maternity leave.

7.  Print off and send in Kansas taxes.

8.  Try to figure out how that breast pump works.  (Might just take it with us to the hospital and have the lactation consultant show me :o))

9.  Get a pedicure.

10. Sleep.

Much to do... no idea how much time is left to do it!

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