Friday, March 23, 2012

Excuse me, do you have a tissue?

Throughout this pregnancy I have said (and will continue saying) how blessed I have been.  With all the things that can cause a pregnant woman misery, I have lucked out.

Maybe a week of nausea.

Definite tiredness and exhaustion, but tolerable (bed time was often by 8:00).

Not too uncomfortable.

Very little vomiting.

Hardly any swelling.

Mood swings have been very mild (if at all).

Again.  I have been very blessed.

With that said...

The one thing I've been "plagued" with during the last 9 months is chronic nasal congestion.

Add on top of that allergy and sinus issues that I had pre-pregnancy, and this has made for the last nine months walking around like Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer and Kleenex never too far away.  If I had a quarter for every time I had someone ask me "Oh are you sick?" or "Do you have a cold?" I could put a substantial savings down for our daughter's college education.

Nope, not sick.  I'm just pregnant and can't take anything that will really get rid of my problem. 

The doctor told me that some women throw up the entire time and some suffer from a stuffy nose.  I'll take the stuffy nose over the throw-up, but it's getting old.  Plus, I have a feeling that this year's allergy season is going to be a doozy.  Great...  I'll have the baby and then be thrown full force into pollen, dust, and whatever else is in the air that will cause my eyes to water, nose to run or get clogged, and sneezing to continue.

There is light at the end of the tunnel.  Once the baby is here I will be able to start taking the higher powered medicine and get an allergy shot.  Those should help clear things up at least for a while, and hopefully my new found talent for snoring at night will go away too.  :o)

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