Friday, September 7, 2012

The Hardest Thing

The hardest part about coaching isn't what you would think.

It's not the parents (although...depending on what you coach and where you coach, that can be a very difficult hurdle.)

It's not coaching 39 middle school girls (although if you've never tried have NO IDEA!)

It's not the lack of competitiveness in players.  That is one thing I had to learn early on.  Not everyone is as competitive as me, and you can't force them to be!  It's internal.  Not everyone shakes with adrenaline during a Connect Four game because they just HATE TO LOSE.  Not that they should...

It's not the long hours for little pay.  Until you coach, you have no idea how many hours you spend thinking and thinking and thinking about practice, girls, equipment, games, attitudes, competitiveness, motivation, etc...

It's not the fact that the coach can't play.  I'll admit that is a hard one.  I tell my girls over and over and over again..."I can't do it for you."  In all reality coaches have control over two things during the game.  Time outs and playing time.  TWO.  Everything else you have to watch.

The hardest part about coaching is watching your team do EXACTLY what they are supposed to do, and still lose.  It is SO hard to explain to players that sometimes you do everything right and you just don't come out on top.  How do you get middle school girls to understand that you can have a good game, a great game, and still lose.

It's just hard.

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