Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Jacqueline's First Sacrament

Sunday was a very special day in the life of little Jackie.  Not only was it he first Easter, but she was also welcomed into the Catholic Church by receiving her first sacrament.  Baptism.  Jacqueline was surrounded by so many of her family, I sure hope she knows how special she is and how much she is loved. 
At the baptism with Jacqueline's Godparents, Kevin and Michelle and Fr. Hoisington

I have to admit while we were going through the ceremony I had fight back tears of joyous emotion.  The life that we have before us and the potential that she has can be very overwhelming.  I hope that we are able to teach her how much better life is when she trusts God and all that He can do.  Life doesn't always go the way we want to, and I have come to realize that the week is always better when it starts with Mass on Sunday.  I hope that we can teach her just how important it all is. 

We are all granted with the gift of free will and it truly is a great thing.  I believe the meaning of free will changes for each of us as we pass through the different stages of life.  To a teenager free will meant that I had the power to chose what I wanted to do.  As an adult trying to become stronger in my faith, it changed to a gift from God and only with God's assistance will we truly be happy.  However, as parents, it shifts once again.  This time it is a little more scary.  Are Ethan and I going to do a good enough job teaching her about Christ and the Catholic Church that she will make good choices in life and learn to love as God wants us to???

I hope that through God we are able to raise a happy, healthy, and faithful little girl.  And I pray she makes the choice later in life to continue that faith.

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