Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Softening the Blow

If you were about to drop your first-born off at daycare for the very first time, which of the following statements would you want said by your daycare provider?

  • "I like to take the kids outside everyday that the weather cooperates."
  • "She'll take a morning and afternoon nap until she is one, then we cut out the morning nap.  In the afternoon around one o'clock everyone gets their pillows and blankets and knows its nap time.  We'll get her on a good nap schedule."
  • "I feed the babies what the other kids are eating so they feel like they aren't missing out.  I just mash it up in the blender and make sure it's not too chunky. That boxed baby food stuff is nasty!"
  • "We try to stay away from processed foods."
  • "Our puppy is the protector of the babies.  He lets me know anytime one of them is crying."
  • "I have no problem with using expressed breast milk to feed the baby."

In one week I will be handing my little miss over to a babysitter who said EVERY ONE OF THESE today when we met to get everything in order.

I have practiced leaving her during the day for a week long conference, for a weekend away, and for evenings out with the hubby.  All of this practice and the comfort of knowing that I have a ROCKING AWESOME daycare are not going to completely diminish the "mommy-guilt" I will feel next Wednesday...

But it should help soften the blow a little.

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