Saturday, December 31, 2011
That time of year where I start to think about what I need to do to better my life in the next year.
I like to set "goals" rather than resolutions.
Resolutions in the past have not worked. Resolutions last until about mid-February.
"Goals" are more realistic. I am a "goal" type of person.
I like my goals written out like a list.
I am a list person. I get an HUGE amount of satisfaction from striking a line through something on my list.
Sometimes I have multiple lists going.
Sometimes I write something on my list that I have just recently accomplished JUST so I can strike a line through it.
So here we go... My goals of 2012
1. I would LOVE to put lose weight on here as a goal, however since I am just starting my third trimester that goal will NOT be a possibility until April. This one I can actually procrastinate!
2. Other than number 1... Try to procrastinate less. I don't want to say "stop procrastinating" because that is an unrealistic goal. If I say less...then that is something to shoot for.
3. Delete old emails out of my inbox...and keep it cleaned out.
4. Clean the kitchen each night after dinner instead of waiting until the next morning...or two.
5. Fold laundry soon after it comes out of the dryer. No more folding 8 loads of laundry in one afternoon.
6. On the same lines as folding laundry... Do one or two loads of laundry a day instead of waiting 3 weeks and doing 8 loads of laundry in one day. This one actually HAS to happen. Apparently at our new home it is not recommended to do more than two loads of laundry in one day. I'm hoping this rule will help me!
7. De-Clutter and stay clutter free.
8. Get the baby room all set up and ready to go.
9. Sweep/Dust my new wood floor at least once a week, if not more.
10. Finish ALL the unpacking. Get rid of ALL the boxes. (I am so tired of boxes...)
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Christmas Chatter
~ We closed on both properties on Friday the 23rd. We were officially homeless for about 40 minutes. I am so thankful that everything fell into place as it did. It is so nice to only have one home to focus on and one payment to make.
~ The closing date put a dent in our normal Christmas plans. We were planning on going home to see my family on the 23rd. That didn't happen. So it was a quick trip home on Christmas Eve and then gone again on Christmas Day.
~ My mother out-did herself again with her Christmas shopping. It is her thing. She does it well :)
~ My father really out-did himself this year. I think he made my mom tear up 3 or 4 times. It was sweet to watch them.
~ We got some cute little outfits for our little girl. They ALL involved pink. Ethan was not that thrilled about the pink...
~ We left my parents at noon on Christmas in order to make it back for Ethan's family dinner. We had a "Feliz Navidad" themed meal that was very good.
~ All the kids and spouses chipped in this year and got Ethan's parents an I-Pad for Christmas. I think they are really going to enjoy it.
~ They may enjoy the new Casino more...
~ I finally got all the boxes emptied upstairs (other than the spare bedrooms..) and out of the house. It is finally starting to feel like our home. Now if I can just get motivated to do the same in the basement and spare bedrooms.
~ My parents dropped off a crib. It is the same crib that I used as a baby. I have NO IDEA how to put it together. There are no directions.
~ I officially started my 3rd trimester this week. I think very soon when the house is all settled, basketball is over, and the nursery is organized it will sink in how fast life is going to change for us. We are so excited!
~ Our dogs are not impressed with the new house. I'll post more about their transition later.
~ Our new furnace is loud. It definitely takes some getting used to.
~ I love fruit. I have been wanting/craving fruit for some time now. I bought probably 30$ worth of it today.
~ One good thing about not having Christmas decorations up...I don't have to be embarrassed when they are still up in February. :o)
Friday, December 23, 2011 mean it's Christmas?!?!
It is actually Friday.
And it is the first day of Christmas break.
It doesn't feel like it.
I have no decorations up.
We made no Christmas candy, cookies, or other type of goodies.
I haven't wrapped any presents. Or done any shopping for that matter.
I don't even know where my Santa hat is.
It is funny when I think back to a couple months ago when I found out we would probably be moving into our new house the weekend before Christmas. I had all these plans of going ahead and putting up at least one tree and a handful of decorations. I even thought I might be able to squeeze a batch of cinnamon rolls in to take home to my parents.
Yeah...didn't happen.
The only thing I have up that is Christmasy is a snow globe nativity that was given to me by our Priest.
I'm still working on unpacking boxes and figuring out where everything is going. Changing my mind. Then changing it back. (I have a feeling that's going to be the theme of my break.)
Then realizing with a small since of panic that I still have to also pack to go home for a couple days.
And run to the mall (shoot me now...)
And call the lighting place
And get ready for the closing of both houses today
This is definitely one Christmas I will never forget!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
It Will All Get Done
- The cabinets will all be cleared
- The clothes will all get washed, folded, and packed
- The sub plans will get written
- The basketball game will get coached
- The boxes will be moved
- The boxes will be emptied
- The old house will get cleaned and ready for it's new owner
- The new house will have each room organized with everything put away
- We will sign the papers to close on both houses on the same day
I don't really know how, but I do know that by this time next week I will be sitting in our new house, on our new couches, and enjoying that many of the things on this list will be behind me.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
A Plethora...
We also have netflix.
Our most recent netflix move was "The Three Amigos"
One scene in particular where Jefe is tells his boss, El Guapo, that there are many many pinatas for his birthday celebration.
The rest of the scene plays out like this...
El Guapo: "Jefe, would you say I have a plethora of piƱatas?
Jefe: "Uh, Yes!"
El Guapo: "Jefe, what is a plethora?"
Jefe: "Uh..."
El Guapo: "Well, you just told me that I had a plethora, and I would just like to know if you know what it means to have a plethora. I would not like to think that someone would tell someone else he has a plethora, and then find out that that person has no idea what it means to have a plethora."
I love that scene.
Does anyone really know how what exact number constitutes for a "Plethora?"
I do not.
However, as I was beginning the process of packing things for our big move into the new house in two weeks. I started by packing up our DVD collection.
I brought in one good sized box.
Didn't even come close to holding all our movies.
So I got another box.
And another...
4 and 1/2 boxes later the DVDs are all packed and ready to move.
I would definitely say that we have a "Plethora" of movies!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Car Trouble...
I don't understand them.
I use words like "thingy," "what-cha-ma-call-it," and "dohicky."
Conversation on the phone with my husband as I was driving to work:
Me: "Oh crap...what just happened! One of those warning light thingies just flashed on and my car is doing some kind of jerky thing"
Hubby: "What does the light look like?"
Me: "uhhh...I have no idea"

Hubby: "Well, what is going on with your car right now"
Me: "It seems to be ok now, but when that light turned on it jerked me forward a few times and then stopped. Should I pull over?"
Hubby: "Yes, pull over... Ok, what does that light look like..."
Me: "There is no shape in the known world that I can describe to you what this looks like. It is kind of rectangle with a lot of different other pieces on it..."
Hubby: "Does it look like an engine?"
Me: "I don't know, maybe, I have no idea what an engine looks like. I'm going to get out the manual to find out which light that is and what it means."
Now, do you think there would be an easy category in the back of the manual for warning symbols and what they mean. NO! It took me probably 10 minutes to just find a place in the book to tell me that yes, the symbol was the "check engine" light. Seriously...why can they just have the words "CHECK ENGINE" or even the word "CHECK" under the picture to help me figure it out.
We finally figuring out that the car would be fine to get to school and then we could try to figure out what was going on. Once I got to school, I received numerous offers of help. Have I mentioned that I work with some of the most kind hearted, wonderful people?!? The mechanic teacher came down on his planning period, and with a very handy tool provided by my Principal's husband, we (ha...I mean HE) was able to figure out that the problem was with the crankshaft position sensor.
The what???
Crankshaft position sensor.
That means NOTHING to me.
Is the car ok to drive?
Is this fix going to be expensive??
(In case you have missed the last few previous posts now is NOT a good time to have expensive car trouble...we're building a house AND having a baby...I repeat...NOT a good time for an expensive car problem)
(PLUS...we JUST had some expensive car work done not even a month ago. Brakes, timing belt, tires, oil, water pump, the works...this should NOT be happening!)
Turns out the problem with the crankshaft position sensor SHOULD have been something that was either looked at or replaced when the timing belt was changed...3 weeks ago. So, in a very polite but firm voice that meant business my husband called the repair shop that did the work and told them what was going. They said to get the car in right away and they would have a look at it.
Hubby took the afternoon off work (he hasn't been feeling well, so he was planning on going home early to get some rest anyway before the fiasco with the car happened) and came to the school to pick up the car and take it in to the shop. I followed him in with the truck, dropped him off at the house, and returned to work in time for my last class.
The end result...the problem was with the crankshaft thingy and the shop fixed it at not cost to us because that should have been done 3 weeks ago.
Thank goodness for honest mechanics!
After a very long and humbling day I am proud to say that I have learned a few things with this adventure.
1. My coworkers are AWESOME!
2. The car has a very important part called a crankshaft position sensor.
3. These little mishaps are really hilarious when everything is all said and done. (It helps that we don't have to pay for the repair...I'm sure the story would not be near that funny if it came with a big price tag)
And probably the most important thing I learned today...
4. That funny looking symbol is actually the shape of an engine.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Light at the End of the Tunnel
In April Ethan and I worked every night painting, cleaning, rearranging, and de-cluttering the house in order to try and get it ready to sell. Mid-May...the house went up on the market.
By June we had our first offer. It was low. Too low. We passed.
In July we found out we were going to be parents! Excitement filled us as we waited patiently (and a little nervously) through those first 12 weeks before announcing to family and friends.
August we started the process of building our new home. Ethan went out everyday and took pictures of the progress. It is so neat now to look back at when all we had was a hole in the ground...
October we found out we're having a little GIRL...right before E's birthday. What a great birthday present for him :)
November has flown by so fast I'm not even sure what went on the first 3 weeks...but I do know that now we are about a month away from the new house being finished, the reality of possibly having two mortgages was starting to weigh on us more and more. Clouding the excitement of seeing the progress of the house.
We have had many showings over the last 6 months. Many. Most reviews of the house came back very positive, with a big fat BUT...
"We're going to look for a house with three bedrooms..."
Three bedrooms. Ugh! I know that you want three bedrooms. So do I. That's why we're building...we need more bedrooms. There's nothing I can do about the fact we have only two bedrooms. Whoever decided to only put two bedrooms in this house obviously was NOT thinking about resale value!
About a week ago we decided to drop the price...again. We were a little reluctant this time because the price has never been a problem. All the reviews coming back say that the house is reasonably priced and that has never been a deterring factor. BUT as our Realtor pointed out, we needed to find a price that someone was willing to say "ok...I can do this."
Finally...last Saturday, Ethan checked his email right before we were about to head over to some friend's house to watch some football, and there in the inbox was a message with the subject: Contract for 151st!
My very next thought was..."Please be a reasonable offer..."
It was the same offer as in early June. Same price. Same person.
This time however, that number offered didn't seem so low.
Everything is relative...when you've had the house on the market for 6 months with only one offer, a new house about to be finished and paying two mortgages hanging over your head, AND a baby on the way. That offer seemed just fine.
We accepted.
And now wait patiently for inspections and pray for everything to continue to work out.
What a fantastic light at the end of the 2011 tunnel. SO many things to be thankful for and so many thing to be excited for.
Now, if I could only get excited about packing...
Friday, November 18, 2011
Turning 29...
I am ok with it.
I am not bursting with excitement over my birthday, but I am ok.
I tried to explain it to some of my colleagues today. I made the comment that I wasn't excited about my birthday this year. Now this comment doesn't fair very well with the majority of the teachers in my building. I am, and have been, one of the youngest teachers in the building. So when I say that I'm not excited about turning 29 the other's moan and groan about how the WISH they were turning 29.
It is not the number.
29 is fine with me.
I think the lack of enthusiasm comes from the many other things going on in my life at the moment.
I am happy. I am ridiculously happy. There are times I sit and think that I should be more worried, stressed, and frustrated because there are definitely things in my life that could cause me to be overwhelmed with those emotions. BUT I'm not. I'm happy.
My birthday has always been something I look forward to. A day to celebrate, relax, and forget anything that might not be going the way I want. But this year...there are many more EXCITING things going on in my life, that my birthday just doesn't seem all that big.
I could list for you over and over all the wonderful things in my life, but I think I'll try to narrow it down to a top 10.
In no particular order...
10. We our building a house. It is almost done!
9. We are "building" a baby. She is half way done!
8. I am constantly reminded of what a WONDERFUL husband I have. Not that I need reminded :o)
7. The inside of the house is painted. We will finally be able to see how all of the decisions we had to make over tile, carpet, paint, hardware, wood, and so many other things come together.
6. I get to eat and not worry. Habits are hard to break. I still weigh myself every morning to make sure I'm not gaining too much to fast. But it is nice to be able to have a second helping of mashed potatoes if I want to!
5. I can finally fill out a bra! (Yes, that makes the top 10.)
4. Thanksgiving is only 6 days away. I love Thanksgiving. We will be heading home to my parents for the holiday. We haven't been home since Labor Day. I can't wait!
3. I LOVE all the belly rubs I get from my husband. He is so excited for the baby to get here so he can hold her. He is going to be a GREAT dad!
2. Baby is moving more and more, and I'm finally starting to feel her on a regular basis. Still stops me in my tracks and takes my breath away.
1. One of the perks of having a girl is the added estrogen. For me that means my ridiculously spiky leg hair grows slower and softer. Thank you baby!!! you can see. There are FAR more important things to be excited about this year than a number. Especially a number that represents the "last" of something, when there are so many firsts heading my way.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
By the Way...
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Things that will never be the same
Such as...
Volkswagon Beetle: Ethan and I play slug bug. Everytime we're in the car. It has now evolved to ANY slug bug ANY where you see it. Including TV, posters, and even little toy cars. I don't think I'll ever look at another Beetle and not want to reach out and punch someone in the arm.
"Moo Cows!"
Brazil: How can I not think about our honeymoon anytime someone mentions Brazil or Rio de Janeiro? I love anything that has to do with that country. Ha...we even went to a movie just because it was filmed in Rio. It turned out to be a great movie, with beautiful scenery!
S'mores: Ethan introduced me to the s'more with a Reece's peanut butter cup on it. Never.The.Same.Again!
Labradors: I was always a small dog person...until Ethan came along and his dogs became my dogs. Big outside dogs are definitely the way to go!
4th of July: This is our "Extra day." Since our anniversary is on July 3rd we will always get an extra day to celebrate. We're planners like that.
Colorado: Our first vacation spot, home of the Colorado Rockies, Ethan's ski destination...I wouldn't be surprised if the first thing we do when we win the lottery is buy a cabin/vacation home in the mountains in Colorado :0)
Happy Plate: Ok...Iwill admit. I never heard the term "happy plate" until I had dinner with Ethan's family. When I finished eating and someone told me I had a "happy plate" I had to ask what that was...
Jack and Coke: The drink I share with E's dad...
Brad Thor: Author of books Ethan and I really enjoy. He brought home one of the books on a whim one day, and we've been hooked ever since. We are currently waiting his next one due out this month!
The Office, The Sopranos, Alias: All shows that I started watching either with him or because of him.
Daisies: The friendliest flower and the main flower at our wedding.
Blue and Yellow: Color combination that we picked (I picked and he was VERY happy that I picked two of his favorite colors) for our wedding.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Is the Honeymoon Over?
Ethan (being silly) hit me in the head with a pillow.
Me: Ah! Don't mess up my hair...I just got done finishing it!
Ethan: doesn't look that great anyway.
Now, knowing my husband, the only reason he was saying that is to get a laugh or some sort of reaction out of me. That is who I married. I knew that 100% before going in.
It worked, and I play into it, "fake" over-react just to give him what he wants.
They say that the "honeymoon period" only lasts the first 6 months to a year. I'd say we're still goin' strong.
In 20 years that comment might hit me a little different. (But I hope not!)
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Sunday Chatter
~ God continues to give me opportunities to learn patience...I guess He thinks I need a lot of practice.
~ My parents returned yesterday from an Alaskan Cruise. My mother has wanted to go on one for years and my dad took her for their anniversary (even though that was at the end of May...Close enough).
~ I think I have seen our dogs sleep in every funny position in every place in the yard, yet somehow I can't stop but stare at them when they are sleeping in the yard. I have the pictures to prove it.
~ I watched a couple of the first few episodes of British version of The Office. Interesting, but to me not as funny as the US version.
~ I gave Ethan a hair cut today. I was always so nervous to have to do that...but it's really not as hard as I thought. He looks good!
~ I found out this week that our school is going to cut 5 days off the beginning of the school year to try and conserve money. I don't know how I feel about this.
~ I got a sunburn two weeks ago (maybe three...) on the front of my legs. I am still peeling! Gross.
~ Ethan and I went out to dinner tonight. Applebees. They have really worked to re-vamp their menu. I enjoyed it very much and had a difficult time deciding what to get.
~ I want to go back to Brazil.
~ Ethan and I will have been married an entire year in two weeks. It's amazing how fast a year can go!
~ I am so excited about building our new house. I can't wait for that new adventure. We are so wonderfully blessed to be able to do this!
~ I have a WONDERFUL life!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
"I have to live with a boy..."
In short the girls do what girls many time do, they argue, they cry, they make up. In the end, there is one line that makes me literally LOL (laugh out loud).
Through the tears and laughter Monica announces in a very scared, whiny voice "I have to live with a boy..."
I often think about that line, because it is something that most girls go through. They realize that they are no longer going to have the support and friendship of their female roommates. It can be a scary with a boy.
I have had, now for about 2 years, the opportunity to live with a boy, and there are things that I have come to realize will never be the same. Living with a boy changes things, such as...
~ Watching the few chick flick movies that I enjoy will happen only if A) I am watching it alone, B) I won a bet, or C) There is a certain actress in it who my husband will enjoy watching more than the storyline.
~ The decor is as neutral as can be.
~ He will never understand the intricacies of putting on eye make-up.
~ The words tampons and period are replaced with "girly things" and "red time"
~ There is no one to understand my need for another pair of black shoes.
~ If vegetables are served during dinner other than potatoes or corn. I have made them for myself.
~ There should be a fridge labeled "His" and "Hers"
~ I have no one to watch "Sex in the City" with...
~ I can't ask the question "Does this outfit look good on me?" True girl-friends will give you a straight answer. Boys will say it looks good to avoid saying the wrong thing.
I wouldn't trade it all for the world!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Burying St. Joseph
We want to build a new one.
A bigger one.
to hold our "someday" family.
Even before the house went on the market I knew that I wanted a little extra help from "up above" in order to help someone find our home.
The great thing about praying is the vast multitude of those to pray to. There's the obvious God, Jesus, Mary, and the Angels in Heaven. But of course you can't leave out the Saints.
There is a Saint for everything.
Need to find something you've lost? A quick prayer to St. Anthony will do the trick. He's helped me find my keys many times!
Need to sell a house. St. Joseph's your guy!

Praying to St. Joseph is a tradition that was started by St. Teresa of Avila who was a nun who prayed to him because he was the protector of the Holy Family and the patron saint of homes. When the nuns needed more land for convents she encouraged the sisters to pray to St. Joseph for help.
However, the tradition evolved from just praying to him, to burying him in the ground. That story is less pleasant. Apparently in the "old days" when burying St. Joseph, you were to bury him with his head towards the ground and facing the house. Then you were to threaten him and say "I will keep your head in the dirt until you sell my house for me."
That's a little harsh...
So, since I believe in the old saying "you attract more flies with honey" I decided not to threaten the saint, but rather to bury him feet first facing our home out by the FOR SALE sign. I pray to St. Joseph to help someone find our home as nice as we do and want to buy it in a timely fashion
We'll see how it goes!
*I have tried to edit this over and over. Everytime I add pictures to my blog it messes up the spacing all throughout the writing and I can't get it right. Anyone who has any suggestions for making adding the pictures easier that would be much appriciated!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Random Chatter
~ Our house was officially put on the market last week. We've shown the house 5 times and it just hasn't been the "right fit" for someone. Seems that if the husband likes it, the wife doesn't, or there's not enough room to put a big shed next to it. Little things like that. Hopefully that "perfect fit" will come along soon.
~ Summer is here and was long awaited. Come August I'll be ready to go again!
~ A friend of mine shot a hole in one while golfing today. I'm happy for her and jealous of her at the same time!
~ I bought fresh fruit at the store the other day. Tastes soooo good!
~ My sister graduated from college. And enrolled again...
~ The house is clean ALL.THE.TIME. and I LOVE it!
~ My parents celebrated their 31st anniversary yesterday...what a great set of role models I have!
~ My dad turns 53 today. He doesn't seem 53.
~ In the last year Ethan and I have been given two Scentsy pots with some great smells. I am loving it! My favorite right now is called "snow." Definitely not season appropriate, but smells clean.
~ Ethan's sister, Beth, is coming with her kids to visit from New Jersey at the end of the month. I can't wait for them to get here. I have all kinds of things I can't wait to do with them.
~ Ethan and I got to go look at a house that has the same basic floor plan as we picked out for our new house. This one was a week away from the owners moving in. I was sooo excited after seeing it!
~ I love our dogs!
~ Those silly dogs give me a headache!
~ I got my toes done with one of my friends (who also happens to teach at the same building as I do...go figure). Mine are sparkly blue.
~ I'm into anything sparkly at the moment. Shirts, nail polish, head bands, flip flops, anything...
~ I watched the finale of all my TV shows... The Office, was OK...not my favorite episode. How I met Your Mother, was what I predicted. The Big Bang Theory was funny as usual. Bones, was great! I love that show :)
~ I don't often miss not having cable, but I miss not having the Food Network. It's great background noise.
~ The wheat is turning nice and golden yellow. I love how it sways in the wind.
~ I'm really REALLY tired of the windy days!
~ I'm far to white at this point in the year. I am in need of some major pool time! Hello Summer!!!
Monday, May 30, 2011
My Hubby the Photographer
Picturing My World
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Favorite Things...
So here are a few of my favorite things...
~ A cup of warm coffee on a cool spring morning with the windows open.
~ The sight of golden wheat flowing in the Kansas wind.
~ School supplies. Pencils, pens, staplers, hole punches, paper clips, and anything that you can think you might never need, but are so glad when you do!
~ Sam's club at noon. Gotta love the taste tests :)
~ Cookie dough ice cream.
~ Tan lines in the summer.
~ Happy Hour at Sonic. What a time to get a great drink at a great price!
~ Holding Ethan's hand. I'm so glad I found someone who likes to do that!
~ A smooth lake in the early morning. So calm, so peaceful.
~ My dogs. Yes, they drive me up the wall, have cost us lots of money, but who can resist those cute faces and happy wagging tails always ready to love us.
~ Blue. Best. Color. Ever.
~ Our Church, St. Mark the Evangelist... the beauty of that church is a constant reminder of how good God is.
~ Diet Pepsi with Chinese food.
~ Ethan's kisses. :)
~ My sister's shoes. I'm jealous of her normal sized feet and how she can always find the cutest shoes in her size.
~ My mother's baked spaghetti. It has been way too long since I've had that.
~ Popcorn from the Stir-Crazy. Kicks the butt of that bagged stuff!
~ The Office. Hilarious!
~ Aladdin, Monster's Inc., Finding Nemo, and I'm sure Rio will be added to that list once I get a chance to see it.
~ The smell of my grandparent's house.
~ Daisies. They really are the friendliest flower.
~ Quiet evenings at home with my Ethan.
Life doesn't get much better than this!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Recycling...Why People Don't Do It
Every one's doing it.
It's the right thing to do.
And it's really not that hard...
Or is it...
One thing that I have learned in my life so far, is that as a majority people are lazy, and will do what comes easiest. Seriously. I've seen people hire someone to pick up dog poo out of their yard, hang up their Christmas lights, and do their grocery shopping. In general, people will do what's easiest.
Which brings me to my point. Recycling. We have all seen the advertisements to "go green" by using "green" products, "green" shopping bags, and "green" energy systems. And while I am impressed by those who do all of those things, the bottom line is that the easiest thing for most average people to do (without buying a whole new set of cleaning products) is recycle.
And yet, people don't even do that.
Again, because it's not the EASIEST thing to do. Yes, it is the easiest out of the list of "green" options, but when it comes to recycling or just tossing something in a garbage pail, tossing is easier.
For example: True Story.
Ethan and I have been cleaning out our house. I mean deep down clean. We went though the storage room and collected all the empty boxes of things that we have accumulated over the last few years (plus some we joined together when we got married), broke them down, and went to look up where we could take the cardboard to recycle it.
Guess how many recycling places in Wichita take corrugated cardboard?
And only one of those had 24 hour bins available. So, we packed up the large pile of cardboard and set out to our destination. 15 minutes later we pull up to an empty looking warehouse at the address listed. After a couple circles of the place, we figured out that it was the correct location. Now, we just had to find the bins...
So we looked...
and looked...
and FINALLY found a place that looked like it was what we were wanting. There was tons of cardboard in it and a sign that told us exactly what was allowed.
But then...
We saw another sign that said "NO DUMPING!" "Violators will be prosecuted!" With a lovely video camera right next to it. what? Can we dump our cardboard there? Is it just talking about not dumping trash? What kind of prosecuted? Is it worth it?
We turned around and drove out.
On a whim, I told Ethan that his mom had said one time that she thought that St. Francis (the church she attends) used to recycle cardboard in a bin out back, but she wasn't sure if they still did. We thought we might as well give it a try. Luckily there was a bin for cardboard.
After the events of that evening, I have come to decide that until recycling can be more convenient and easier, we won't see a huge increase in people participating. Why go through all the trouble when it is just easier to toss it out? Unfortunately that is the world we live in.
Friday, May 6, 2011
The Joys of Home Improvement
Throughout the last two years we have moved from project to project, not in any real rush. Now that we have come to the last few finishing touches before our house is put on the market, I thought I would share the "oh-so-wonderful-joys of home improvements" that Ethan and I learned...
~ If you are fixing up an older house that you moved in to you are subject to whatever the previous owner did...and will find yourself saying "what in the world were they thinking?!?!?"
~ Handy Dads who have creative "fix-it-up" ideas are life savers.
~ Hearing the words "Oh S*#t!" come from the other room is never a good sign...
~ Lowe's will be your home away from home, and you will know where everything is located and the fastest way to get there.
~ Beer is necessary to have around.
~ You never think you will get the smell of paint out of your house.
~ You compromise on everything from paint color to the type of brushes you use to paint with.
~ Everyone will have advise to give you on the best way to do something.
~ Sometimes they are right.
~ It is much more fun when you are doing all the changes for yourself. The fun wares off when the changes are just to sell the home.
~ If anything can go wrong it will... paint will spill, screws will be dropped never to be found again, measurements will be a millimeter off causing a multitude of problems, and nail guns will fall off the counter and poke a hole in the brand new vinyl flooring that you just put down ( can't make that up!)
~ The stain of the trim around the house will be impossible to match. The best bet it to get three different kinds and mix until you are close enough for it to pass.
~ Your dreams at night involve painting.
~ If the next owners of the house ever go to redo the bathrooms, they will find themselves saying "what in the world were they thinking?!?!" many times.