Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday Chatter

~ Everyday I wage a battle with my "lazy" side and my "productive" side. This last week, the lazy side seemed to be winning more times that I like to admit. Today my "productive" side kicked it into high gear and somehow seemed to get all the things I kept saying I would get done all week done in a couple hours. I then felt ok about my "lazy" side taking over for the remainder of the day.

~ God continues to give me opportunities to learn patience...I guess He thinks I need a lot of practice.

~ My parents returned yesterday from an Alaskan Cruise. My mother has wanted to go on one for years and my dad took her for their anniversary (even though that was at the end of May...Close enough).

~ I think I have seen our dogs sleep in every funny position in every place in the yard, yet somehow I can't stop but stare at them when they are sleeping in the yard. I have the pictures to prove it.

~ I watched a couple of the first few episodes of British version of The Office. Interesting, but to me not as funny as the US version.

~ I gave Ethan a hair cut today. I was always so nervous to have to do that...but it's really not as hard as I thought. He looks good!

~ I found out this week that our school is going to cut 5 days off the beginning of the school year to try and conserve money. I don't know how I feel about this.

~ I got a sunburn two weeks ago (maybe three...) on the front of my legs. I am still peeling! Gross.

~ Ethan and I went out to dinner tonight. Applebees. They have really worked to re-vamp their menu. I enjoyed it very much and had a difficult time deciding what to get.

~ I want to go back to Brazil.

~ Ethan and I will have been married an entire year in two weeks. It's amazing how fast a year can go!

~ I am so excited about building our new house. I can't wait for that new adventure. We are so wonderfully blessed to be able to do this!

~ I have a WONDERFUL life!

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