Monday, March 28, 2011

Lost! Please Return if Found

I had a perfectly good lunch I took to school a couple weeks ago.

Yep, a couple weeks ago.

It was a breakfast burrito, yogurt, and girl scout cookies. was a breakfast sort of day. So I thought...

I walked in to school that day with the lunch sack in hand. Normally I walk straight into the teachers' work room, grab the newspaper out of my mailbox, put my lunch in the fridge and then walk down the hall to my classroom.

On that particular day, I forgot to put my lunch sack in the refrigerator. But no worries, I figured I would just take it back to the workroom when I went to make copies.

That's where the trail runs cold.

At lunch time I am very disappointed to find no lunch in the fridge, no lunch in my classroom, no lunch in my car, not even in the restroom...yes I even checked there.

No lunch. Anywhere.




Me? I had to eat the school's lunch for the day. Beef stew, salad, and bread sticks. Definitely not the breakfast burrito I had my heart set on.

And today?? Still no lunch.


Never coming back.

And by this time...the only reason I want to see it, is for my piece of mind.

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