Friday, January 17, 2014

It's a Toddler's World

We have been having some fun around the house these last few months, as our little toddler grows, begins new challenges, and learns new words. 

Here's a little insight on life with our little toddler.

We have begun the much anticipated process of potty training.  Sometimes I feel like it is a little early...surely she isn't old enough for that yet, she's still a baby.  But Little Miss has started to show a VAST interest in all things "potty."  Miss Rose was all for attempting to sit her on the potty after nap once Christmas Break was over at daycare.   And I must say, so far so good.  Or at least better than I thought it would go.

After little over a week of trying, she is going in her little potty almost every time we put her on it.  She sits down and immediately wants a "treeeeeaaaaat." A little chocolate chip that she is SO PROUD of receiving after a successful potty trip.  We have found, when she has an accident or doesn't need to go she cries and cries because she's not getting a treat. 

And after her first poopy accident...ohhh HER WORLD ENDED! 

I wish she would understand that it was only day 3.

Little Jackie has become quite the little "helper" around the house.  She wants to help with everything from unloading the dishwasher to helping baby go "Bye oh Bye Baby" (rock-a-bye baby) to pulling out or putting shoving the pacifier in Katerina's mouth (not caring to ask if she was done with it or even wanted it in the first place...).  Poor Katerina.  I would love to say that all of the attention from Jackie just helps toughen her up, but I do believe that Little "Kit Kat" is going to be the dramatic one.

I try to live my life with a toddler around the phrase "Don't stress a clean mess."  It helps me focus on the things Jackie really shouldn't be doing, like grabbing a knife off the counter with leftover peanut butter and walking downstairs while trying to lick off the nuttery goodness.

Yep. That happened.

My motto is, if it can be easily picked up and it keeps her occupied longer than her 20 second attention span, I'm good. 

Or so I thought. 

The other day I went to get a dish towel out of the drawer, only to find this...

After a quick search of the kitchen, I found them shoved (along with many other toys) in the plastic container cabinet.  Silly child.

Without a doubt, Jackie's favorite pastime is playing "bugs" on the little tablet we have.  If she had the attention span for it, she would play it all day.  Luckily, the longest she goes is about 20-30 minutes before getting distracted.  We have tried to limit her playing time to just before bed.  Last night she wanted to play with it and Ethan told her "not until 7:00."  I kid you not...7:00 On.The.Dot. She ran up to daddy "Bugs, bugs!!" 

I LOVE this stage.  Yes, she throws fits, yes she is a STINKER at times, but I just love watching her learn.  It is fascinating.  I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.

As long as it doesn't involve knives...

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