Sunday, June 8, 2014

Back in the Hot Seat

Back in January we decided that Jackie had been showing all the "signs" of ready to try potty training.  I was very excited...hoping the "independent" part of our child would produce an early end to diapers.  We started slow.  Waking up in the morning, after nap (at daycare) and before bath at night she sat on potty.

We were thrilled.  Each and every time there was a little pee in that potty.  She was happily accepting her treat each time.  Daycare was seeing the same results and at times even better.

After about a week, we moved on to trying "big girl panties" at daycare.  I bought some cute little pink and leopard spotted training pants, plastic covers and sent her on her way.   The results were mixed, but still having some success each time she sat down.

Then...almost as abruptly as it started it ended.  She had a couple accidents and that was it.  No more big girl panties.

She would scream NO, cry, and lock her legs straight anytime we tried to get her to sit on the potty.

So we backed off.  Way off.  We didn't even ask her if she wanted to go potty for almost a month.

Her 2 year birthday came and went with her still refusing to sit on the potty, wear big girl panties, or do anything other than wear a diaper.

We ask her everyday.

Everyday, same answer.

No!  Jackie want diaper.  (Yep, she talks in first person...All. The.Time.)

Until today!

She told daddy that she wanted to watch her movies. (A little side-note...this is not a Disney movie like a normal 2 year old would want to watch.  She literally means HER movies.  Videos we have shot with the camera.  It's all she wants to watch on TV. Ever.)  Ethan very calmly said.  "If you go potty in the big girl potty then you can watch your movies."  She said no and went on playing with her toys.

About 10 minutes later, she shocked both of us and took Ethan by the hand.  "Potty daddy. Watch Jackie movies."

She went into the bathroom, requested about a gazillion books, took off the diaper and SAT DOWN.

I cannot express how excited I was at this point.  It didn't matter if she actually went, this was a success already!

She didn't go.

She didn't get to watch her "Jackie Movies."  She didn't throw a fit.

Again this afternoon.  When I needed to use the bathroom she came with me, took her diaper off and sat down.  No fighting, no screaming.  Still no potty.

AND again, she took daddy by the hand after that trip to the bathroom and WANTED to put on her "big girl panties."

She peed in them, but didn't have a meltdown.

Today has been a HUGE turn around for us. We are hoping for her continued interest in at least sitting down on her little potty, because eventually she will go.

Still no potty, but we are back on the hot seat!

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