Thursday, November 1, 2012

34 years ago

The fourth of five children was born.

Oh Halloween.

A boy.  Causing his father to sing the chorus of "My three sons" on the phone as he called family to celebrate the good news.

He would learn to walk chasing a Coors beer can around the room as it was passed in laughter from one person to the next. I'm not kidding. Ironic that today he drinks Coors.

He was a typical baby, from what I understand.  Grew like a weed early, stretching those legs longer than most of his peers.  He would be 6' 4'' by his Freshman year of high school.  The basketball coaches were drooling.

But he played soccer.

And the saxophone.

And enjoyed having his birthday on Halloween.  Not only did he get to go from house to house collecting candy like all the other kids. He also got a cake.

Usually with M&Ms on top in some shape.

He was afraid of dogs.  Not too sure if he was snapped at by a larger dog when he was little, but he wanted nothing to do with them. It wasn't until his parents got a little puppy that he started to like the furry, four-legged companions.  Glenn would be with them for many years and not only ease his fear, but give him a love for dogs which would eventually lead to him having one...or two dogs of his own.  He'd have three, but someone in the house says no :o)

 His interest in electronics and how things work ended up in two degrees from WSU, engineering and computer sciences.  Now enjoys working for one of the top three companies in the United States to work for.  They have Beer Fridays.  Yup.  Beer at work.  Provided by the employer. 

32 years later he would celebrate his first birthday as a married man.

33 years he celebrated by finding out his first child would be a little girl.

and at 34 years, for the first time, he celebrated his birthday by taking his little baby girl out "trick-or-treating."  Actually we went to three houses.  Friends and family.  Jackie celebrated daddy's birthday too by being a complete daddy's girl all day.  It is almost as if she knew that today was daddy's day and she should want to be with him as much as possible.  It was sweet, and he loved every minute.

I am so thankful that 34 years ago this wonderful man was born.  I am thankful he called me again after our first date, and I'm even thankful that he still teases me about our second date.  I couldn't have found anyone else who would have been a better match, and seeing him as a daddy only makes me love him more. 

Happy birthday my love!

(Authors note:  This is being published on Nov. 1 because apparently Halloween is a busy day when you have kids :o)

1 comment:

JHop said...

So sweet! He's pretty darn lucky to have such an awesome and devoted wife!