Thursday, January 2, 2025

2025 Word of Focus

I will always be a "fresh start" and "goal setting" type of person. I just am. Whether I'm setting a goal for the number of kills I wanted for my Junior volleyball season, an amount of money I want to save during the summer for the upcoming year of college, or trying to figure out how to improve the project I did with my 8th graders last year... I just enjoy the challenge of trying to reach a goal and the feel of a fresh start. 

So, naturally, I love January 1st. 

Or 4th, 5th or 6th (whenever I get around to's still January) 

This last year has found me really trying to embrace the chaos of life with 6 kids and a pretty solid age gape between the oldest and youngest. I've tried to be realistic in what I can expect of myself during this time. 

And that's hard. As someone who likes to improve and get better and see progress...those things have been slow. Understandably...but still slow. 

So as I approach the New Year, I'm using an old favorite. The "one word" of focus. In the past I've used words like "consistency" and "balance" but even those seem to be far reaching right now. 

So, for 2025 I'm going with "HOPE" 

In 2025 I hope to exit the fog of survival mode that I feel like I've been wading through this last year and a half. There are many areas that I need to improve, but none of that is possible when I can't see through the fog. I know that and I'm trying to be kind to myself in the middle of it...but it's hard. 

So I hope. 

Don't worry...this isn't a sad post. I'm doing fine...just tired. (And I'm really tired of that being my reply to everything...but it's just it. I'm tired) So I hope for more sleep...consistent sleep. 

And in an effort to try an improve my sleep we started working with the twins over break to make it through the night. That means shutting off the baby monitor and ignoring their cries. It's hard...but we're making progress. 

The next thing I'm doing to help with sleep is to try and improve the quality. That means cutting back on alcohol. I started "Dry January" today and see how I'm feeling come February. 

Sleep is priority #1 right now. And I'm trying to start small with little things (that I can control) in order to make changes to add upon. There's no point in trying to make changes in other areas of my life if I'm not sleeping well. It is amazing how the amount and quality of sleep can impact so many areas of our daily lives. I know, as a parent, there will always be interruptions...but we have to get past the interruptions every couple hours (for the last year and a half). We have to. 

I also hope to blog more. I've got some good ones about cooking and meal planning coming. :) 

Happy 2025!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the word of the year. Last yeat mine was better. I accomplished some of what I wanted to be better at but not all. This year it’s sustain. I try to revisit the word weekly but it’s usually monthly when reviewing my goals. I hope you figure out the sleep- it doesn’t get better as you age. 🫤 thanks for sharing your blog!