Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Little Katerina

Happy 3rd Birthday, little one.

Although it won't be too much longer that we'll be calling you "little."  You are three-years old today. THREE!  Your daddy asked me the other night, when exactly did that happen.  You were so tiny just yesterday...

You were only two-weeks old when we nicknamed you "high maintenance" and you've lived up to every part of that name.  I was so excited for you to make your big sissy officially a big sissy that I wasn't prepared for how different from her you would be.

You are rock solid.  Confident.  Stubborn as all hell.

You refuse to be bribed.  Which makes it difficult to get you to do anything you don't want to do. I am sure I will have a much better appreciation of that trait when you are older. `

You haven't figure out yet that sleeping later than 6:30 AM is a good thing.  I'm hoping you pick up on that one soon.

Any request for food or drink from you usually involves sweets.  Candy, chocolate milk, or brownies are all acceptable breakfast items in your mind. You are less than thrilled when I tell you no.

You love ladybugs.

You hate any other bug.

You would swing all day long if daddy would push you.

Speaking of daddy.  You look just like him.  Blue eyes, curly, thick hair, and more silly faces than you know what to do with.  He is in BIG trouble if you ever figure out how wrapped around his finger you are.

You throw fantastic toddler fits, and HATE it when I tell you "no" or "not now" or "wait until after dinner."  Basically anything that doesn't grant you your request immediately is followed by sad eyes, tears, and screaming.  It's delightful.

You love puppies, kitty cats, and baby dolls.  So it's not a surprise that your favorite movies involve animals and babies.

You copy your big sissy in all that she does.  Making you a true Copy-Kat!  This means that you can speak full sentences, you know your shapes, animals, the ABC's and how to change a DVD.  I didn't teach you any of that.  Your sissy did.

You are a social little butterfly and make friends with little kids at gymnastics and daycare.  Your feelings are hurt when someone doesn't say "hi" back to you.

You are three! I love your little spunky personality and look forward to seeing who you become. I have my predictions of course, but I'll keep those to myself for now.

You will soon be thrown into the world of "big sisterhood" and your world will change more than you know.  I have no doubt that you will love having your little brother around, I'm not so sure how much you will love the amount of mommy and daddy attention he will need.  We'll tackle that issue when it comes along.

For now enjoy your time at 3.  As we have figured won't take long until you reach 4!

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