Thursday, September 18, 2008

Teaching: A Young Profession!

I am convinced that one of the main reasons that I became a teacher is because I don't want to spend all day everyday with adults. Once a month I am pulled from my classroom and required to work on integrating my social studies curriculum with our Communications classes. It usually ends up as a glorified planning day. Today was one of those days. I spent the entire day working on a list of vocabulary for my 7th grade class. I literally mean all day. When I'm in the classroom teaching I know that sometime during the day (at least once) some kid is going to make me laugh. The silly comments they say, or goofy looks they give me when I do or say something unexpected, and all the random conversation before class officially begins. They keep me young, and I hope after I've been teaching for 20 years, these kids still make me feel like I'm 25!

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