We made it! The twins are ONE! A whole year. A whole 12 months. Amazing how 12 months can seem so long and short at the same time. (Actually 13 months by the time I finish and post this blog)
So, I thought it would be fitting to share 12 things about these two cuties!
Times Two. 😉
1. It's still unbelievable at times. I've had quite a long time to get used to the idea of two babies at the same time, but throughout this year I still find myself stopping and staring at them amazed that there are two little smiles grinning back at me. Amazing.
2. They are their own individual person. They have the exact same diet, home life, toys to play with, share bath time and nighttime routines. Yet they sit, crawl, babble and even poop differently. Gabe loves cars and makes the vroom sound, while Izzy reaches for blocks to knock down and books to tear apart.
3. Izzy is mischievous, a pot-stirrer, and looooovveess to get into anything she's not supposed to. As soon as she knows she can't...she wants more.
4. Gabe is more chill and finds himself the subject of many of Izzy's antics.
5. While both babies enjoy both parents, Izzy will reach for and hang on daddy whenever given the opportunity and Gabe loves his mama.
6. Gabe as 8 teeth. Izzy has 2.
7. Consistent sleep still eludes us. On a good night I'll still get up 2-4 times. Other twin moms tell tails of how the cry of one twin at night will never wake up the other twin, no matter how loud. Not us. Not our twins. I feel like I can begin to feel someone normal and more like myself again if we can just get them to sleep better. It's rough...and add in the needs and activities of the big kids. I don't know if there's a way to express how exhausted I am. I just continue to thank God I'm able to stay home and don't also have to go to a 9-5 type job on top of the chronic sleep deprivation.
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Cute picture to show how unbothered they are with the inconsistent sleep. |
8. Everything is twice as much, twice as difficult, and twice the amount. I know this is kind of a "duh" statement, but I mean seriously everything. Two trips in from the car, two kids to try to feed, diaper, and get dressed. Two babies to watch in the bath. It all takes up soooo much time. So much more time than I thought it would.
9. They weigh very close to the same but are built so differently that they don't look like the same weight. Izzy is a solid as a cinder block and Gabe is a long string bean. She had those cute little baby rolls, and he has about two inches on her in length.
10. Gabe has an allergy to something. We made a visit on Saturday afternoon to the emergency room when his face ended up all swollen and puffy after eating some multi-grain/seeded bread. We now have an epi pen and are on the list to see the pediatric allergist in January. For the time being we're avoiding nuts and sunflower seeds until we know more.
11. I'm not wishing time away, but I'm definitely ready for them to understand what I say and be entertained for 15 minutes by an episode of Bluey or Paw Patrol.
12. We have tried to be very practical with these babies. Their birthday gifts included clothes, sippy cups, and shoes. All things we would have bought anyway. Christmas will be the same. Halloween costumes are matching PJs that total 14$ (combined). At this point they won't remember it anyway.
13. They LOVE playing with their siblings.
14. They love outside time. And bath time.
15. Gabe falls asleep almost instantly in the stroller while Izzy is alert and sitting up taking in everything we walk by.
16. I find that I'm loving revisiting my favorite little kid board books with the twins. Even funnier, I read them in the same cadence and emphasis that I did 12 years ago with Jackie.
17. They are both in the beginning stages of trying to figure out words. Gabe does a good job attempting to repeat words and can make out recognizable sounds. Bye Bye, yes, and Papa are some favorites. Izzy doesn't really say anything specific yet, but has mastered "WOW" "Ohhh...what's that" (or at least that is what it sounds and looks like from her hand movements)
18. Neither baby is walking yet. Izzy will probably be first, she has been on all the physical milestones. They are both really good (and fast) crawlers and I'm not in any rush for them to be walking yet.
19. Their favorite foods include yogurt, strawberries, and goldfish. They don't like scrambled eggs.
20. They both have kept their blue eyes. This delights my blue-eyed husband as this brings the blues to a tie with the browns.
21. We attempted the pools some last summer, and I'm looking forward to next summer when they're big enough for baby floaties so we can go a little more often. The pool has always been my secret weapon to a good nap time!
22. Gabe got his first haircut at 13 months. No pictures of the process, he hated it and cried the entire time. But sure looks handsome with a fresh cut. Izzy's hair isn't quite long enough for little ponytails yet, but that doesn't stop me from trying :)
23. I still hate cutting fingernails. And I have to do it twice as much. Ugh!
24. Life at Weber Haus is very scheduled. As you can imagine, it takes a good chunk of time to get everyone out of the door on time and with everything. Luckily I'm pretty good at organizing and thinking/planning ahead. As a "type A" person, I've always liked a good plan and schedule and this helps with 6 kids ages 12 years to 13 months. And I HATE last minute or "go with the flow" type of activities. Pick ups and drop offs are scheduled down to the minute and include the number of kids/car seats involved. Changes or delays cause me to become stressed, anxious, and cranky very quickly. If everyone and everything can just run on time, that'd be great. 😜
There you have it. 24 things about our life with twins right now. I promise I want to blog more. I have so many posts running around in my head. But, as with everything that I don't get done, I'm gonna blame it on #7 on the list above and hope that I get the motivation to type more often!